We Fucked Up

If you've been following us for a while I'm sure you've heard or seen our posts and heard our podcast intro about how we've lost 150 pounds together since going vegan in March 2020. 

Well, that's history! But today is a new day and we are starting our journey fresh. But, what happened? 

Well, that's a long story and each of us have a bit of a different but similar scenario so we thought the best way to approach this would be to start with how 2021 was for us as a family and then give you both of our stories individually.

The purpose of us putting ourselves out there and being so vulnerable with all of you is to inspire and motivate others who have also made mistakes (a.k.a. all of us at some point) and create a support system for everyone to continue their weight loss journey. We know from experience, it's not easy. And it's also not easy to admit when you mess up, but it's the only way to move forward.

The picture above on the left is us after losing 150 pounds, the picture on the right, well… that's current.

A lot happened for our family in 2021. Mostly for the better, but with these change also came a lot of stress and EXCUSES!

Last year we both injured our back (different times and different ways) which we will talk more about in our personal journey posts. You can read about them here, We Fucked Up: Ashley's Journey, and We Fucked Up: Yuri's Journey.

In addition to the injury we decided to take advantage of the booming housing market and put our home up for sale while building a new one. This meant moving, TWICE. Along with that came lots of packing, showings, loan applications, and all the stress that comes along with that. Not to mention that with 3 kids it's difficult to live normally and keep the house show ready. So we started eating out a lot more than normal. We also put our fitness journey on the back burner to make this happen. 

Then came the apartment living. With the high demand for apartments in our area we took what was available for a short term lease which was a 2 bedroom apartment. It was manageable, but that turned any additional space we had, including counter space into storage. Which meant no where for our usual workouts, and very limited space for cooking so we strayed away from our normal 80/20 of whole foods to processed foods and shifted closer to 80% processed foods and 20% whole foods.

Finally in November we were able to move in our new home. Which again came with the stress of moving, unpacking and getting settled in.

But now, we're ready to jump back into our weight loss journey with all of you! To help support and keep the motivation going subscribe to our YouTube channel for weekly health and wellness podcast episodes, fitness videos, recipes, and short reels to keep the energy flowing.