We Fucked Up: Ashley's Journey

Yes, that's me in the pictures above. It's not easy being this vulnerable but I truly believe I need to be in order to help others going through the same thing. If you're anything like me, you've struggled with weight loss your entire life. The ups and downs and then even higher ups. Well that's what happened to me last year in 2021.


Starting in March of 2020, Yuri and I went vegan and lost 150 pounds together. I had lost 70 of that and was feeling and looking great, with improvements still left to be made. I was teaching 2 adult fitness classes a week, 3-5 children's fitness classes as well as working out on my own to achieve my goals. Guess what? That's a lot of work outs with minimal recovery time in between.


Old Habits Die Hard

I've always been an obsessive person which is a big reason why I have an issue with over eating. When I find something I enjoy and have a goal in mind I go for it with everything I have. That can be a really great trait when done right. It has helped me be successful in my career, family, and build the home of my dreams. But it is also what has caused me to gain weight, and when trying to lose weight become obsessed and overdo it to the point of injury or mental and physical exhaustion. Essentially, it isn't sustainable.


In this particular instance, this is what caused me to injure my back. I ended up with a bulging disk in April of 2021 which took lots of rest, chiropractor visits and time to reduce the pain and make it manageable. When it happened I had to lift my left leg up with my arms to move it because I wasn't able to move my leg at all from where the bulging disk was hitting so hard on my nerve. In fact the doctors wanted me to have back surgery but I was committed to getting better another way. 


Because of this I got depressed. I wasn't able to do the things I wanted. I had to go slow, not a lot of walking or working out and started getting back into a sedentary lifestyle. 


With the next phase in my journey I know I have to make a plan that allows rest and recovery without jumping back into my old habits of obsessive behavior. The best way for me to do it is by creating a daily planner and knowing exactly what I need to do each day.

Weight Loss & Weight Gain is 80% Nutrition

We all know weight loss is 80% nutrition, but guess what? Weight gain is the same.


In 2021 we sold our home while building a new one, moved into an apartment during the interim, and I started a new job. Whew, it was a busy, stressful, and exciting year. But with everything going on my nutrition definitely went down. I was eating out more, and when I cooked at home it was a lot more processed vegan foods. AND SWEETS! 


The Outcome

Let's get to the numbers. Again, I'm being super vulnerable with you so that we can move forward on this journey together. 


Before I began gaining my weight back in 2021, I had lost weight down to 236. On January 1, 2022 I weighed in at 290.6. That's over a 50 pound weight gain in one year!


I'll be updating every month with a progress report to hold myself accountable. So, here we go.


Ground Zero: January 1, 2022

Weight: 290.6 pounds

Arms: Right 22 inches, Left 21 inches

Legs: 36 inches each

Waist: 55 inches

Hips: 53 inches

Chest: 49.5 inches

Neck: 17 inches

Follow along on Our Journey to see weekly motivational posts and monthly progress reports.