Top Reasons Why Breakfast Is So Important, And How It Can Help With Weight Loss

Reasons Why Breakfast Is So Important, And How It Can Help With Weight Loss

This isn't your average breakfast post. In fact, it is probably not quite what you have always been told about breakfast.

Growing up, I was always told that breakfast was the most important meal of the day (which it is), but that it should be your largest meal, packed with protein like eggs, bacon, and all those other cholesterol filled foods.

While breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day, it's important you learn the real reason why. And, how you can use that knowledge and the right foods to really help with your weight loss journey!

What is Breakfast?

Breakfast literally means breaking your fast! 

Whether you fast intentionally or not, your body will be in fasting mode from the time you finish your last meal at night until you take your first bite the next day. Fasting cleanses your body and provides mental clarity.

Once you begin consuming food again, your body will begin using energy to digest the food.

What Should I Eat To Break My Fast?

Here's where we really change the game from what you're used to. There's no need for a large protein packed meal to break your fast.

Fruit is an amazing way to break your fast and can do wonders for your body, especially when eaten between the hours of 7 am-11 am. They are the most cleansing and detoxifying foods for your body. They can eliminate the mucus and inflammation in your body and prepare you for healing.

Four incredible reasons you should break your fast with fruit:

  1. Stimulates your digestive system
  2. Wakes up the metabolism with a steady influx of glucose
  3. Aids in weight loss
  4. Enhances your detox, especially when eaten between 7 am-11 am when the body is going through the biggest detox phase

For incredible recipes to break your fast, as well as insanely delicious salad, dinner, and snack recipes be sure to get your copy of the Insanely Delicious: Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss ebook.

How Does This Effect Weight Loss?

Eating fruit for breakfast is a key ingredient in weight loss. Fruit has many benefits including; loaded with fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and low in calories. Here is a list of a few fruits which are an excellent way to start your day and help with weight loss.

  • Grapefruit- Contains only 39 calories, but contains 65% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C
  • Berries-  1/2 a cup of berries contains about 42 calories and contain vitamin C and vitamin K
  • Melons- low in calories with a high water content making them a perfect way to stay hydrated in the morning and also rich in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants
Eating fruit to break your fast wakes up your digestive system and metabolism which is a great way to start your day and help your body start processing the rest of the food that you will be ingesting throughout the day.

The Importance Of Water

Water releases toxins from your system, promotes blood flow, and increases digestion.

When drinking water first thing in the morning, it cleanses your bowels and helps to regulate your digestive tract. A huge recommendation is to keep a bottle of water beside your bed and drink it before your feet ever touch the floor in the morning! This will really get your day off to a great start!

Free 5-Day Meal Plan For Weight Loss

Ready to kick start your vegan weight loss journey? Get your free 5-day meal plan.

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