After hearing about the 75 Hard Challenge and listening to Andy Frisella's podcast episode about this challenge we were determined to try this and record our results.

Although we decided to do this primarily for the added motivation for weight loss, we were shocked to realize how this would effect us mentally.

What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

The 75 Hard Challenge is a mental toughness challenge that has 5 simple rules:

  1. Follow a diet (zero cheat meals for the entire 75 days)
  2. Workout twice a day for at least 45 minutes each (one of them has to be outside.)
  3. Drink a gallon of water per day.
  4. Read 10 pages of a non-fiction personal development book per day.
  5. Take a progress picture every single day!

There is also an app if you choose to use this. The app does cost about $5, and is handy to remind you of the tasks that need to be completed, but is not required.

The Challenge

We both followed a plant based diet utilizing our personalized nutrition plan that we use for our clients. If you're interested in working with us to create a personalized nutrition plan for you, you can do so here!

We also opted to do 45 minutes of yoga in the morning, and a 45 minute outdoor family walk in the evening with the kids. As you can tell, our daily workout regiment was not intense. You can choose the intensity of the workouts and this can be adapted to your fitness level. The important thing is to stay active.

Drinking a gallon of water per day was a little tough to keep up with at first, but we found an amazing water bottle that holds a gallon of water which made it super easy to keep track of.

While we love doing research for the business, taking the time to read 10 pages of a non-fiction book was in no where a part of our daily routine prior to the challenge, so this was a great addition to our every day.

Taking a progress picture seems like the easiest of the tasks, but honestly some days we forgot to do this until we were about to get in the bed.

Ashley's Experience

Since Yuri works 12 hour shifts and was putting in a lot of over time during our challenge, this meant in order for us to get 2 workouts in together, I had to wake up at 3:45am to complete our first workout before he went to work. I am in no way a morning person so this was definitely the toughest part of the challenge for me. In fact many mornings I thought of so many excuses of why I couldn't get up to workout with him and how I could just make it up later. But then I said to myself these are just excuses and you can do what ever you put your mind to. So, I got up and did the workout even if I just wasn't feeling it.

That was the biggest lesson I learned from this challenge is that I can do whatever I set my mind to. And my biggest obstacle is myself. This was a huge revelation for me. I know it seems simple, but this really was game changing once I realized how often I would automatically resort to thinking of excuses to get out of something, or justify it if I wasn't feeling it. Then I began consciously telling myself how I can do it. 

Another part that was difficult for me was overcoming cravings, especially my beloved Oreos. Every month when it was my lady time, that is what I would crave. It was very empowering to realize that I could overcome my cravings and I didn't have to give in.

Ashley's Results

Prior to this challenge, I had already lost 45 pounds. But during the 75 days I lost another 15 pounds of which was majority fat. I lost fat and gained muscle mass and that was very obvious with the inches I lost.

I lost a total of 13 inches which was an inclusive measurement of inches lost in my arms, chest, waist, hips, and legs. This was all without a gym, intense workouts, or a depriving diet. This was pure consistency and a healthy lifestyle. 

Overall, the challenge allows for a broad interpretation of each guideline and what is most important is the mind set change you gain from this, knowing even on the tough days, you can still be consistent.

Things Ashley Is Continuing After The Challenge

Now that we are about 3 weeks past the completion of this challenge the big things that have stuck with me for daily habits are drinking 1 gallon of water per day, remaining on a plant based nutrition plan, and daily activity. 

However, I do not get up at 3:45 to workout any more. I get in at least an hour of high intensity activity each day. I also do include small amounts of processed foods back into my eating, however this is not a common thing and is more of a treat about once a week. These include things such as a beyond burger, vegan cheese, or Oreos.


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